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#   Microbial Activities: GF MCAMUF
#   RV/Sonne So248, South and North Pacific, along 180 W
#   P.I.: C. Arnosti (UNC-CH)
#   version: 2018-07-31
#   NOTE: Date/time and location data from CTD cast data (https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.864673) were joined to original dataset
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S06           SO248_06-2    2016-05-11T13:52  0.0001    180.0000   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          60         
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAF          1            24.2               nd           nd           0.633486    0.089515    3          
AAF          2            47.8               nd           nd           1.714472    0.160444    3          
AAF          3            72.0               nd           nd           2.073526    0.096023    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAF          1            24.3               nd           nd           0.013424    0.012988    3          
AAF          2            48.1               nd           nd           0.396527    0.079018    3          
AAF          3            71.9               nd           nd           1.221617    0.070845    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAF          1            24.1               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAF          2            48.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
AAF          3            72.1               nd           nd           0           0           3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S06           SO248_06-2    2016-05-11T13:52  0.0001    180.0000   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          60         
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAPF         1            24.2               nd           nd           0.711075    0.136013    3          
AAPF         2            47.8               nd           nd           1.358528    0.253732    3          
AAPF         3            72.0               nd           nd           1.391061    0.197943    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAPF         1            24.3               nd           nd           0.517480    0.102552    3          
AAPF         2            48.1               nd           nd           2.213871    0.104062    3          
AAPF         3            71.9               nd           nd           2.134658    0.071685    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
AAPF         1            24.1               nd           nd           0.009061    0.006955    3          
AAPF         2            48.4               nd           nd           0.003862    0.004240    3          
AAPF         3            72.1               nd           nd           0.001984    0.006266    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S06           SO248_06-2    2016-05-11T13:52  0.0001    180.0000   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          60         
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
a-glu        1            24.2               nd           nd           0.378937    0.080299    3          
a-glu        2            47.8               nd           nd           0.435818    0.142783    3          
a-glu        3            72.0               nd           nd           0.423331    0.159246    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
a-glu        1            24.3               nd           nd           0.033504    0.003841    3          
a-glu        2            48.1               nd           nd           0.452481    0.009160    3          
a-glu        3            71.9               nd           nd           1.168537    0.140512    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
a-glu        1            24.1               nd           nd           0.000693    0.000665    3          
a-glu        2            48.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
a-glu        3            72.1               nd           nd           0           0           3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S06           SO248_06-2    2016-05-11T13:52  0.0001    180.0000   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          60         
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
b-glu        1            24.2               nd           nd           0.476329    0.016224    3          
b-glu        2            47.8               nd           nd           0.447754    0.030913    3          
b-glu        3            72.0               nd           nd           0.415455    0.027365    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
b-glu        1            24.3               nd           nd           0.033039    0.005347    3          
b-glu        2            48.1               nd           nd           0.560314    0.073737    3          
b-glu        3            71.9               nd           nd           1.085472    0.263416    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
b-glu        1            24.1               nd           nd           0           0           3          
b-glu        2            48.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
b-glu        3            72.1               nd           nd           0           0           3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S06           SO248_06-2    2016-05-11T13:52  0.0001    180.0000   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          60         
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
FSR          1            24.2               nd           nd           0.563313    0.045185    3          
FSR          2            47.8               nd           nd           0.700072    0.083070    3          
FSR          3            72.0               nd           nd           0.893529    0.109613    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
FSR          1            24.3               nd           nd           0.051431    0.012992    3          
FSR          2            48.1               nd           nd           0.474064    0.048487    3          
FSR          3            71.9               nd           nd           0.792408    0.056335    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
FSR          1            24.1               nd           nd           0.004187    0.002435    3          
FSR          2            48.4               nd           nd           0           0           3          
FSR          3            72.1               nd           nd           0.005805    0.001635    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S06           SO248_06-2    2016-05-11T13:52  0.0001    180.0000   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          60         
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
L            1            24.2               nd           nd           0.990983    0.210254    3          
L            2            47.8               nd           nd           1.476779    0.252333    3          
L            3            72.0               nd           nd           1.532675    0.146528    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
L            1            24.3               nd           nd           0.204534    0.111474    3          
L            2            48.1               nd           nd           1.252096    0.272966    3          
L            3            71.9               nd           nd           1.854763    0.125275    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
L            1            24.1               nd           nd           0           0           3          
L            2            48.4               nd           nd           0.000093    0.001479    3          
L            3            72.1               nd           nd           0.000501    0.000926    3          
station_no    cast_no       ISO_DateTime_UTC  Latitude  Longitude  
S06           SO248_06-2    2016-05-11T13:52  0.0001    180.0000   
depth_no    depth_m    
d2          60         
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
QAR          1            24.2               nd           nd           0.868241    0.109895    3          
QAR          2            47.8               nd           nd           1.182235    0.057076    3          
QAR          3            72.0               nd           nd           1.257908    0.031885    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d3          300        
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
QAR          1            24.3               nd           nd           0.173211    0.055155    3          
QAR          2            48.1               nd           nd           0.490744    0.027524    3          
QAR          3            71.9               nd           nd           0.856886    0.094055    3          
depth_no    depth_m    
d5          1000       
substrate    timepoint    time_elapsed_hr    rep1_rate    rep2_rate    average     std_dev     filter_um  
QAR          1            24.1               nd           nd           0           0           3          
QAR          2            48.4               nd           nd           0.004703    0.003204    3          
QAR          3            72.1               nd           nd           0.005576    0.003387    3